5 Steps on how to deal with anxiety as a performer by Leila Meyer

Anxiety is not something that is uncommon to us as dancers. The majority of dancers experience anxiety before performing, which is referred to as performance anxiety. As a seasoned dancer, you get used to this experience and often even learn to embrace it. I mean “nerves are good”, right?

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Suggested Precautions to take when in a Dance Venue by DR. Karabo Molokwane

Community Service Medical Officer at Sebokeng Hospital, Dr. Karabo Molokwane , who is currently working at one of the COVID wards in the Internal Medicine Department, gives us a quick run-down on the current COVID pre-cautions dance venues/individuals should adhere to. Did we mention that he is a dancer during his spare time?

Continue ReadingSuggested Precautions to take when in a Dance Venue by DR. Karabo Molokwane